Here’s How Samsung Is Forcing People To Turn In Their Galaxy Note7 Phones

5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8 AM

  1. Exercise
  2. Map Out Your Day
  3. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
  4. Visualization
  5. Make Your Day Top Heavy

This is an open notice to people who know my kids: You can tell them what to do. It’s really, really OK. Tell them not to put their feet up on your coffee table. Tell them to stop running, not to play with that knife or not to touch your things. Actually, now that they’re older, you’ll likely be telling them not to eat all of your potato chips and beef jerky, and not to take that drink onto your freshly cleaned carpet. Whatever the rules are at your place, tell my kid to fall in. I have a selfish motive.

Source: Medium

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