To my mother in heaven, thank you for loving me and helping me…

The bond between a mother and child is unparalleled, and it often begins even before the child is born. Unlike other connections that gradually strengthen over time, this bond starts strong and remains unwavering.

Even when we have had to bid farewell to our mothers, their presence lingers within us. The memories and emotions they leave behind can never truly be erased. We are familiar with the saying, “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone,” and this sentiment holds especially true when it comes to mothers.

Looking back personally, I find it hard to believe how many times I took my mom for granted. In my younger days, I assumed she would always be there. However, no one lives forever, not even the superhero that is your mother. The day I had to say goodbye to her remains the most difficult thing I have ever done.

Losing a mother brings an indescribable sense of loss. It is challenging to navigate through life without the love, guidance, and support that only a mother can provide.

The little reminders are the most painful for me. The meals she cooked, the comforting words she spoke, the stories she read—each of these serves as a daily reminder of the love that is now absent. Holidays became particularly challenging to navigate after my mother’s passing. Even though it has been years since I last saw her smile, celebrating without her never gets easier.

Yet, I still hold onto my mother’s words: “Just because someone isn’t physically present doesn’t mean they aren’t in your heart, and sometimes that’s just as important.”

I know that my mom is watching over me and my family from her place in heaven. Even today, I can hear her voice. She continues to offer practical advice, praise, and even scold me when I do something foolish.

So, to my mom in heaven, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for loving and helping me. I miss you dearly, and you will forever remain in my heart. Thank you for always being there for me and my brothers. You were an incredible mother, and I regret not telling you that enough. Thank you for everything you gave us and all the sacrifices you made.

Some of you who read this may still be fortunate enough to have your mother alive. When was the last time you saw her? If you have to ponder the answer to that question, I encourage you to invite her over for dinner or go visit her. Schedule a date with your mom today—spend time together and make sure to laugh! You only have one mom, and when she’s gone, you’ll wish you had never spoken an unkind word to her. Tell your mom you love her. Seek her advice and wisdom. Don’t take these moments for granted.

We should all express gratitude to our moms each day, even in the smallest ways—whether it’s a phone call just to say hello, a card or note for no particular reason, or a simple gift like a flower. These gestures will let her know that she is loved and appreciated. And remember, spending time with loved ones often leads to laughter, which can be a powerful remedy for failing health.

On days when I miss my mom the most, I place my hand on my heart and remind myself that she is always with me, even if I can’t see her.

In memory of all the moms who are no longer physically here but will forever remain alive in spirit, I offer this poem:

Once upon a time, an angel held my hand,
She wiped away my tears and helped me understand.
Our time on earth is brief, with lessons yet to learn,
Each day given by God, another page to turn.
Every chapter filled with memories, both joy and tears,
Triumphs and defeats across the passing years.
She loved us unconditionally, by our side she stood,
A confidant when no one else would listen, her guidance understood.
With gentle words of wisdom, she showed us the way,
Guiding us on the path of righteousness if we ever did stray.
She saw the goodness in everyone, giving selflessly without regret,
Always from her heart, let’s never forget.
Angels take different forms, and for me, it was my mother,
No words can express the love she brought; there will never be another.
Every day, I turn the pages of my heart where her memory resides,
Recalling everything she taught me as I walk down memory’s tides.
Thank you, God, for granting me the most precious of treasures,
Help me, Lord, to keep her memory alive here, now, and forever.
I pray that one day, I can fulfill her hopes and dreams,
Knowing that she watches from heaven, proud of the legacy she beams.
As we gather here today, her story never ends,
A new chapter begins, filled with grace and glory that transcends.
God has called her to her heavenly home, part of His divine plan,
Though it may be difficult, we must all understand.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, unseen yet believed,
Heaven’s promise awaits us all, only if we truly receive.

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