Flight Attendant Sees Dirty Girl On Plane, Horrified By What’s In Seat Next To Her

49 years old flight attendant, Shelia Fedrick saw a girl with oily blonde hair, supposed to be about 14 or 15 years of age sitting next to a well-groomed older man on an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to San Francisco.

Shelia said that the dissimilarity in age and look between the travelling companions appeared doubtful to her. But the flight attendant was particularly hit by the behaviour of the girl who looked like as if she had been through hell.

When Shelia decided to approach them, the girl apparently refused to speak or make even an eye contact. While the man sitting next to the girl kept interfering and turn out to be defensive as the stewardess tried to make a dialogue.

Shelia said that something in the back of her mind said something is just not right. And it was then Shelia quickly came up with a plan. She succeeded to persuade the girl to go to the bathroom where the flight attendant had left her a note held to the mirror.

Shelia said that the girl wrote back on the note that she needed help. Shelia then instantly reported the man to the pilot who then informed the police and by the time the flight landed in San Francisco, cops were waiting at the terminal.

It was then discovered that the girl was the prey of human trafficking and Shelia had just protected her life.

Shelia said that she has kept in contact with the girl who is now attending college. Shelia had put her phone number on that note that she left for her and the girl remembered it as just a few weeks later, she called her.

As per the information, it is expected that more than 50,000 women and girls are traded into the United States for prostitution each year. Last year, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement detained 2,000 human traffickers and identified 400 victims.

Flight attendants are now being competent to spot for signs of human trafficking as part of their teaching.

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