Policewoman’s Heartwarming Act of Love Goes Viral

Being a mother is the greatest joy, and maternal instinct is considered one of the strongest. It doesn’t matter whether the child is biological or not, a mother’s love forms a truly special bond.
A mother will be a mother all her life, giving love and care to any child who needs it.

This maternal instinct made a policewoman from Argentina a real heroine after she did something that shocked doctors…
Celeste Ayala from Berisso, Argentina, was on duty at a children’s hospital in Buenos Aires when a hungry, crying child was brought in.

Seeing that the hospital staff were too busy with their own tasks, she asked if she could hold the baby and try to calm him down. She noticed that the baby was putting his fist in his mouth, and every mother knows that this indicates hunger. At that moment, Celeste’s maternal instinct kicked in: the woman, who was a young mother herself, started breastfeeding the hungry baby, despite the fact that hospital staff had called him “dirty”.
As the Daily Mail reports, Celeste said in an interview with local media, “It was sad to see him, my heart was bleeding from the state this little boy was in. Society should not be indifferent to the problems of such children, we cannot allow this to continue”.
According to local media, the child is the youngest of six siblings in a single mother’s family, who is in a difficult life situation.

Celeste’s colleague was so impressed by her selfless act that, after taking a picture of the feeding woman, she posted it online with the words: “I want to publicize this great act of love you made today for this little child who is a stranger to you, because you acted like a real mother. You didn’t care at all that he was dirty, as the hospital staff said. Well done, partner!”.
Soon the published photo went viral, it was shared by 94,000 people, and hundreds left their comments under it.

This is what Celeste’s friend, Antonella Romano, wrote: “I expected nothing less from you! You are an amazing woman and a fantastic mother. I’m very proud that you are my friend”.
What a noble act this woman did, temporarily replacing a poor, hungry child’s mother.

I consider Celeste Ayala a heroine, and I want people all over the world to know about her selfless act.

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