WATCH: Music Video Showing Taylor Swift Denigrating Christians Reemerges

Christian X personality John Root, drawing attention to the clip in response to Taylor Swift’s being named the TIME Person of the Year for 2023, said, “Here’s a quick reminder of what Taylor Swift thinks about Christians…”

Commenting on Root’s post, one individual said, “I used to listen to her and many other pop artists just like my peers in school. That video gave me a reality check for the first time and opened my eyes to see how the world hates Christians. Even my 12 year old self was greatly offended.

At the time the song was released, Swift explained the meaning of it by saying, “I’ve observed a lot of different people in our society who just put so much energy and effort into negativity, and it just made me feel like, ‘You need to just calm down. Like, you’re stressing yourself out. This seems like it’s more about you than what you’re going off about. Like, just calm down.‘”

Swift released the song around the same time that she came out in support of the “Equality Act,” a 2019 bill about amending the Civil Rights Act. Famed Evangelist Rev. Franklin Graham, commenting on her support for that bill and the music video, said, “Shame on Taylor Swift for using her platform to try to push the socialist left’s so-called Equality Act, which has nothing to do with equality, but is about pushing the LGBTQ agenda down the throats of the American people.”

Rev. Graham continued, “When she received an award for her LGBTQ pride-themed music video at the MTV awards last night, she did a pitch for the Equality Act. This bill is the most crushing threat to religious liberty in our nation’s history. I endorsed a letter appealing to Congressional leaders to vote NO to the Equality Act. This is far too serious for Christians to sit by and do nothing—I encourage everyone to contact their representatives in the Senate, asking them to vote AGAINST this dangerous measure which has already passed the House. In addition to allowing perverted men access to women’s private spaces like dressing rooms and restrooms, and allowing biological males to take over girls’ and women’s athletic competitions, this bill would do a lot more damage. It’s about trying to force those of us who don’t agree to accept and approve the LGBTQ lifestyle, and I’m not going to accept that.

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