Deli Gets Flooded With Bad Reviews Once Its “Offensive” Sign Goes Viral

So, there’s this deli that was really struggling to find people to work for them. They put up a sign that caught a lot of attention. But it didn’t exactly get the reaction they were hoping for. Instead of applause, they got a lot of backlash on social media. Here’s what went down:

The sign at Jason’s Deli basically laid out what they were willing to pay people based on their qualifications and how well they could do the job. It was pretty blunt. Like, if you were earning $9 an hour, they figured you were new and willing to learn. If you were making $12, you were better than most and could handle a lot without causing drama. And if you were at $15, you were practically running the show.

Someone took a snapshot of this sign and posted it online, calling out the deli for it. They said it really rubbed them the wrong way. And soon, tons of people were chiming in, mostly agreeing that the sign was not cool.

People had different reasons for being upset. Some thought it was just bad math or unfair to pay so little for what sounded like a lot of responsibility. Others pointed out that $15 an hour still isn’t enough to live on comfortably, especially in some places.

The deli hasn’t said anything about all the fuss yet. We don’t know if they’ll stick to their guns or rethink their approach.

So, what do you think? Was the deli right to put up that sign or totally off the mark?

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