Parents Throw a Celebration to Unveil Their 8-Year-Old’s Gender Preference, Responding to Her Expression of Not Identifying as a Boy.

At the age of six, a young Canadian named Ella Scott expressed to her parents that she did not identify as a boy, despite being born with a male body. Initially considering it a phase, her parents, 38-year-old Nikki and 39-year-old Graham, gradually recognized that Ella was indeed a transgender child. Instead of opposing her decision, they wholeheartedly embraced her desire to live as a girl. Now at the age of eight, Ella celebrated her gender transition with a party thrown by her parents.

Nikki recalled, “With Ella, it’s like she always knew, but we just didn’t. We noticed she was different from a young age, preferring to be friends with girls and playing with Frozen toys. Despite having two brothers who engaged in rough play, Ella never showed interest in joining them.”

Ella’s transition from living as a boy to living as a girl began at the age of six when she expressed a desire to wear girls’ clothing. Initially thinking it might be a phase, her parents allowed her to pick her own Halloween costume, and she chose to be a cat, wearing a skirt and cat ears. They provided books about transgender individuals to help Ella articulate her feelings.

Graham, Ella’s father, admitted that they were initially concerned about how society would treat their transgender daughter, fearing potential bullying. Over time, they realized this wasn’t a passing phase and focused on supporting Ella’s happiness.

To celebrate Ella’s gender transition, her parents organized a gender reveal party at the age of eight. Friends and family were invited, and Graham even made a cake with pink icing to mark the occasion. The parents wanted to ensure Ella felt loved and celebrated.

Nikki emphasized, “We just wanted her to feel celebrated and loved. It was so important for us to show our support because she is our daughter, and we love her no matter what.” Graham reiterated their initial worries but expressed their ultimate desire for Ella to lead a happy and authentic life.

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