Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in June 2017.
Pop sensation Jessica Simpson recently ignited a debate on social media by sharing several pictures on Instagram featuring her young daughter, Maxwell, in a bikini.
The renowned blonde vocalist uploaded three snapshots of Maxwell on her scooter, seemingly taken in the family’s backyard. In the images, Maxwell is adorned with a helmet, slip-on shoes, sunglasses, and a frilly two-piece swimsuit. Simpson captioned the photos with “safety first.”
The post elicited a variety of reactions, with numerous individuals expressing concern over the choice of swimwear for the young girl.
One Instagram user remarked, “She’s only five; it’s too early for a bikini.”
Another commented, “As long as she doesn’t grow up to be like her mother, it’s fine.”
Photo credit: Jessica Simpson/Instagram, Mike Kaplan/DefenseImagery via Wikimedia Commons
Some users deemed the photos “inappropriate,” criticizing Simpson for potentially sexualizing her daughter and sharing such images on a public platform. They suggested that Maxwell should have the autonomy to decide on such matters when she is older.
Others expressed discomfort with the poses struck by Maxwell, stating that they resembled those of adults rather than a child. Some even raised concerns about the potential risks associated with posting such photos in a digital age filled with inappropriate interests.
Additionally, a few individuals expressed concern over the lack of additional safety gear, such as knee or elbow pads.
Despite the negative feedback, Simpson received considerable support from fans and followers who defended her choices.
Photo credit: Jessica Simpson/Instagram, Mike Kaplan/DefenseImagery via Wikimedia Commons
One supporter wrote, “Absolutely beautiful! Maxwell is adorable, and you have every right to share these precious moments. Don’t let the negativity affect you.”
Another individual appreciated Simpson’s emphasis on safety by ensuring Maxwell wore a helmet. Others emphasized that girls can be subjected to scrutiny regardless of their attire and urged people to respect privacy.
A commenter, not particularly a fan of celebrity Instagram accounts, opined, “Critics of this photo are the ones with issues. Maxwell appears happy and confident, enjoying herself. This innocent image should not be misinterpreted.”
This is not the first time Simpson has found herself at the center of such debates. Back in 2012, when Maxwell was an infant, Simpson reportedly shared a photo of her daughter in her first bikini with Katie Couric. Therefore, it seems unlikely that the recent criticism will faze Simpson, given her previous encounters with “mom-shaming” over similar photos.
Sources: Jessica Simpson/Instagram, Perez Hilton