Wisconsin Dairy Queen Puts Up ‘Politically Incorrect’ Sign, Owner Stands By His Decision

The message displayed on the front window of a Dairy Queen outlet in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, has garnered significant attention and is currently gaining traction online. The restaurant proudly declares its politically incorrect stance through the sign, emphasizing its frequent use of traditional holiday greetings such as “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Easter,” and “God Bless America.” Additionally, the establishment shows its support for veterans by offering them complimentary sundaes on Veterans Day, displaying the US flag, and expressing gratitude for their military service.

Kevin Scheunemann, the owner of the restaurant, has defended the sign, stating that it was displayed nearly four years ago to openly express his and his staff’s dedication to serving both God and the country. According to Scheunemann, he put up the notice in reaction to a complaint from a customer regarding the playing of Christian music in the establishment. Since its posting, the sign has not caused any further issues.

The sign has recently gained increased attention after a visitor from Oregon shared a photo of it on Facebook, expressing concerns about the perceived exclusivity of its message. The initial post received significant engagement before it was taken down.

While some people support the message conveyed by the sign, others have taken offense at the individual who shared the photograph and voiced their opinions. Local business owners, however, support Scheunemann’s decision to display the sign, asserting that customers are free to leave the restaurant if they do not agree with its principles.

The residents of Kewaskum, a small town, seem to accept the sign as a genuine reflection of the owner’s beliefs. Dairy Queen, on an official note, stated that Scheunemann’s approach is not endorsed by the corporation and that the sign merely represents the views of this particular franchise owner. The company emphasized that irrespective of a customer’s religious beliefs, all franchisees and employees are required to treat them with respect and decency.

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