Have you ever wondered if you have royal blood running through your veins? The world of genealogy and family history has become increasingly popular in recent years, with people eager to uncover their ancestral roots and connect with others around the globe.

Thanks to companies like Ancestry and 23andMe, it’s now easier than ever to delve into your family’s past and discover unexpected connections.
Is Your Last Name Royalty-Connected?
Believe it or not, some common last names can be linked to royal families across Europe. It’s not just about England; these names have influenced many people in the United States as well. Charles H. Browning, a member of the American Historical Association, has compiled a list of last names that may indicate a royal connection.
If your last name is Thomas, it could be connected to the King of France, Hugh Capet, who ruled from 987 to 996. One notable descendant of this French monarch was Philip Evan Thomas, born in 1834 in New York City.
The name Watts is associated with the King of Scotland, Robert II, who reigned from 1371 to 1390. Mary Alexander, born in 1749, was a descendant of the Watts line. By marrying John Watts of New York, she established a new lineage of royal blood within the United States.
Are you an Adams? You may be connected to William the Conqueror, the King of England from 1066 to 1087. John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States, was a notable descendant of this English king. He was born in Massachusetts in 1767.
If your last name is Roberts, it could trace back to Edward I, the King of England from 1272 to 1307. Elizabeth Evans, born in 1781, was one of the descendants of this monarch. After marrying Cadwalader Roberts, she adopted this common last name.
The last name Livingston has connections to James I, the King of Scotland from 1406 to 1437. Edward Livingston, born in 1764, was one of the descendants of this monarch. He also happened to be the former mayor of New York City.
Lewis is linked to Edmund Ironside, the King of England who ruled for a brief period from April to November 1016. Sarah Claypoole, born in 1802, was a notable descendant of this English king. She later married William David Lewis.
The last name Phillips is associated with Henry I, the King of France from 1027 to 1060. Margaret Wendell, born in 1739, was a descendant of this French monarch. Her marriage to William Phillips created a new family name tied to royal heritage.
If your last name is O’Brien, you may have a connection to Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland from 1002 to 1014. Reverend Matthew Patrick O’Brien, born in 1837 in Philadelphia, is a famous descendant of this Irish king.
Discover Your Noble Lineage
Imagine the excitement of discovering that your last name is connected to European royalty. Take a moment to embrace the incredible history and heritage you may be a part of. Explore your genealogy, unravel the tales of your ancestors, and uncover the magnificent stories woven into the fabric of royal families.