Coach Goes Viral Online For This One Act During Kids’ Basketball Game.

Educators play a crucial role in our society, yet they often do not receive the recognition they deserve. It requires a unique individual to commit to teaching, guiding, and inspiring the youth.Teachers often go above and beyond to help others, especially the children they care for. Jonathan Oliver, a phys ed teacher at WG Nunn Elementary in Valdosta, Georgia, is one such hero. He was recognized for his kind act towards a kindergartener while coaching a basketball game.

When Kristen Paulk, one of Oliver’s kindergarteners on the basketball team, asked for help tying her hair back in a ponytail, he gladly assisted her. Oliver took a knee on a basketball to get down to Kristen’s level and focused on tying her braids away from her face. Little did he know, his actions were being recorded.Kandice Anderson, another teacher at the elementary school, filmed this heartwarming moment and shared it on YouTube. The video received an outpouring of support from the public, showing appreciation for Oliver’s sweet gesture.The viral video was titled “When your job goes beyond teaching!”

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