A mother of a young boy came under fire after she routinely dropped her son off at school while scantily clad. The woman got angry at the parents’ reaction after a video went viral of her “inappropriate” dress.
Vanesa Medina went viral after another parent from her son’s school captured a video of Medina dropping the boy off. The video shows Medina dressed in a pink “playsuit” which does not leave much to the imagination. The parent who made the video allegedly did so after witnessing Medina dress “inappropriately” on several occasions.
“Vanesa Medina, a model and a lawyer, was filmed on the school run this week at her child’s school in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra,” New York Post reported. “The short clip, which was filmed by another parent whose child attends the school, shows Medina in a skin-tight playsuit. She can be seen getting out of her car and grabbing her child’s bag before walking him to the gate. The daring outfit had a halter-necked top and a cut-out at the chest.”
As Medina turns around to get back into her car, the woman shooting the video comments that the clothes are “inappropriate” in front of young children. The disgruntled secret camera wielder also said it wasn’t the first time Medina had worn something revealing at the morning drop-off.
According to Page Six, “The video of the model, who previously won a Miss Fitness contest in Bolivia, quickly went viral on social media, where fellow critics agreed with the cameraperson that it was not the right outfit.” Barstool Sports, a website that is for sports fans and primarily caters to men, also weighed in on the “sexy mom,” declaring, “Bolivia has got its fair share of problems. Rampant violent crime, poor human rights, exploited child labor to name a few,” before making jokes about the “hot mom.”
“You know what’s not a problem there?” the website asked, jokingly. “Getting fathers to drop off their kids at school. And this is exactly why,” explained the sports website, pointing to the pics of Vanesa Medina. Barstool Sports also added, “From all the hard-working dads out there, you keep doing you, Vanesita. Let the haters hate from the nose bleeds. P.S. – thoughts and prayers (and lots of therapy) for this lady’s poor son.”
Although some came to her defense, Medina was still upset over those criticizing her choices of dress and blasted the video maker for “exposing my 4-year-old son without knowing that is a crime.” She said, “I wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who sent messages of support, signs of affection and appreciation with such beautiful words, and defending me on social media over that video that went viral with bad intentions against me that the mother took.”
Medina was especially disturbed by the mother who took the video, claiming the cameraperson was “wanting to denigrate me, exposing herself with such contempt towards me.” The Bolivian model continued throwing shade. “Her plans did not go as well as she wanted,” Medina claimed. “She had the worst intentions by uploading it and exposing me, referring to me like that.” In closing, she said, “I am a fit mommy who works hard and I take care of my son with all the love in the world, and I don’t do anything bad to anyone.”
Most of those who criticized Vanesa Medina did so from a place of decency and common sense. There’s a time and place for wearing scantily-clad “playsuits.” No one denies Medina works hard to keep fit and no one denies her right to pursue a modeling career. However, in this crazy world of viral videos, where our kids are exposed to adult themes way before their time, a little modesty can go a long way. If you don’t want someone to talk about you, perhaps don’t give them something so easy to talk about — or be prepared to take the criticism along with the compliments you might get.