Prisoner Who K*IIed 2 Officers, Impregnated Guard…

Rowell Wilson, a New York man who kII ed two undercover NYPD detectives in 2003, has been removed from dea th row after a federal judge ruled he is intellectually disabled. Wilson 33 was convicted of kII ed James Nemorin and Rodney Andrews during,
a botched robbery while they, posed as g*n buyers.Initially sentenced to death in 2006, Wilson’s sentence was overturned in 2010 due to jury errors, but he was resentenced to death in 2013. He has been held in federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana, since then. In 2012, Wilson fathered a child with a prison guard, who was later arrested.Note: we are republishing this story, which originally madein March 2016.

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