Everyone laughed at him because of his teeth, but look how he looks now !

Everyone laughed at him because of his teeth, but look how he looks
now you’ll be shocked. Can you imagine being laughed at at school
because of your teeth? That’s what happened to this kid. Jeremy. As
soon as he walked through the door, he could already hear the jeers
and taunts. Hey buck teeth, did you eat carrots this morning? Why don’t
you smile bigger so we can enjoy the view. It wasn’t easy being in those
sneakers. I tell you, poor Jeremy, he was going through hell every lunch
break. Instead of laughing with his mates, he preferred to go to the loo
with his triangle sandwich. He even tried to go and see the manager
thinking he’d find a sympathetic ear. But you know what he told him Be
a man. Jeremy, ignore them and suck it up. Yeah, you bet as if it were
that easy to put a stop to the incessant. Teasing. One evening on his
way home, red-faced and teary-eyed, he spills the beans to his mother
that he couldn’t take it anymore, that he’d had enough of that smile that
got him into so much trouble that he wants to change, even if it means
going under the knife.

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