
A Teenage Boy Goes To Church To Confess His Sins

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned I have been with a loose girl.” The priest asks, “Is that you, little Tommy O’Shaughnessy?” ‘Yes, Father, it is.” “And who was the girl you were with?” “I can’t tell you, Father I don’t want to ruin her reputation.” “Well, Tommy, I’m sure to find out her name sooner or later, so …

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Bus driver sees sibling’s treatment to boy and writes note to parents

We train our kids manners and to deal with others with kindness. Then, after we ship them out into the world – our hope is that they bear in mind the teachings they realized at residence. One set of New Jersey mother and father discovered how their youngsters had been behaving, due to a be aware from the varsity bus …

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Three Young Men Run From Gas Station To Assist Elderly Couple As Cop Stands In Awe Of Kindness

When Rose Griest, 89, and her husband David, 100, were on their way home from Rose’s doctor’s appointment, they made a stop at the first gas station they could find to use the bathroom. Both Rose and David use a walker, so getting from one place to another, as well as getting in and out of their car, can be …

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Waiter Served A Group Of Teens And Only Got A $3.28 Tip. Days Later, This Note Shows Up

A waiter has shared a story of a bad experience turned good after he served a group of teens as they were headed to their homecoming dance The waiter remembered his own high school days and how exciting it was to go to a homecoming dance, so he made sure the teens had a pleasant experience at the restaurant. After …

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Texas Restaurant Sparks Outrage With “Offensive” Sign Mocking Nancy Pelosi

A Preslee’s restaurant in Houston Heights has attracted controversy after displaying remarks mocking Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. The first sign read: “No mask required unless you look like Nancy Pelosi.” This was a shot at Pelosi’s appearance, as seen by Alison Cook of the Houston Chronicle on December 30. The second sign, which featured the first Pelosi jab, read: …

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Restaurant Owner Tells Customers To Leave If They Support Joe Biden

Recently, a restaurant owner in Florida announced that they will not serve customers who support President Joe Biden. The owner of the restaurant posted a sign informing anyone who goes into the establishment that they will not be welcome if they voted for Biden during the election of 2020. With the sign, the restaurant owner clearly stated that anyone who …

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Community Members Are Outraged After High School Students Wore “Offensive” Shirts

A group of white students stood in front of a pickup truck for a photo opportunity to proudly show off their “White Lives Matter” t-shirts. However, the students, who go to school inside a Pennsylvania school , sparked outrage among the community because the slogan, which was created in opposition to the movement, is seen as a divisive response to …

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After Overhearing Veteran At Another Booth, Woman Calls Manager Over

While out to eat at a local Texas Roadhouse restaurant, a veteran at a booth captured another customer’s attention. After watching the vet and overhearing what was being said, the fellow patron immediately called for a manager. A Georgia customer, only identified as C Sparks, had taken her mother out to eat at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Savannah when …

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Three Employees Grab Hold Of Sobbing Woman At Drive-Thru – Have No Idea That They’re On Camera

Like most Americans, Barbara Danner has a routine that involves getting a cup of coffee at the same place every day. Her coffee spot of choice is Dutch Bros. in Vancouver, Washington, but during a recent trip to the shop, she spotted something unusual that caught her eye. The drive-thru was taking an unusually long time on this morning, and …

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Flight Attendant Sees Dirty Girl On Plane, Horrified By What’s In Seat Next To Her

49 years old flight attendant, Shelia Fedrick saw a girl with oily blonde hair, supposed to be about 14 or 15 years of age sitting next to a well-groomed older man on an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to San Francisco. Shelia said that the dissimilarity in age and look between the travelling companions appeared doubtful to her. But the …

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