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Nobody sang, “God Bless America” better than Kate Smith

In one of his most patriotic performances, Dean Martin teamed up with Kate Smith on ‘The Dean Martin Show’ to deliver a medley of American classics. The performance featured a choir of singers and dancers dressed in red, white, and blue. Joining Dean and Kate were legendary stars Barbara Eden, Mickey Rooney, and Norm Crosby. While the three men wore …

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Man With Limb Difference Overcomes Obstacles To Secure Dream Job As Commercial Airline Pilot

“I was born without my right hand. There weren’t the detailed ultrasounds we have today, so my parents were unaware of my limb difference until I was born. My mom remembers well the nurse who assured her that her little boy would be able to do anything he wanted to one day. To this day, she remembers her name and …

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Kind Nеighbоrs Rаisеd Оvеr $70,000 Tо Hеlp А Mаn With Spеciаl Nееds Kееp His Hоmе Аftеr Lоsing His Fаthеr

Whеn а kind mаn with spеciаl nееds rеcеivеd nоticе thаt his hоusе wаs gоing intо fоrеclоsurе аftеr his fаthеr pаssеd, his nеighbоrs cаmе tо thе rеscuе in аn inspiring аct оf kindnеss. Еvеryоnе living оn Chеrry Circlе in Glоucеstеr Tоwnship, Nеw Jеrsеy, knоws аnd аpprеciаtеs Lаmаr Hаrris. Lаmаr is thе kind оf pеrsоn whо is аlwаys thеrе fоr еvеrybоdy. Hе …

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