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Coffee Store Worker Is Fed Up With Rude Customers – Puts Up Hilarious Sign To Teach Them A Lesson

lot of folks can barely function before they have their morning cup of coffee. Before drinking your morning coffee, it can be difficult to be polite to those who we interact with, which is why coffee baristas often find themselves having to deal with rude customers. Now, one barista is completely fed up with this, [...]

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Police officer surprises 7-year-old boy selling lemonade with a pair of brand new sneakers for school

Who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashioned lemonade stand? There’s nothing like coming upon a child eagerly waiting to sell you a cup of ice cold lemonade on a bright sunny day. Recently, a young boy named Landen was selling lemonade and cookies near his home when a police officer approached him. The boy’s grandmother [...]

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Farmer Finds Pasture Empty, Sees All 32 Dead Cows In One Big Pile

After feeding the dairy cows on a Saturday morning, Springfield farmer Jared Blackwelder and his wife Misty heard loud crashes and didn’t give it much thought. However, as Blackwelder returned to the pasture to collect the cows for the evening milking, he came upon a heartbreaking sight: his 32 dairy cows piled on top of [...]

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