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Woman Slams Veteran In Middle Of Restaurant, Then He Shuts Her Up In Epic Way

Our country’s veterans have given up so much for us. They give up their homes, their families, their comfort, and their safety to fight for us and protect us so we can enjoy our freedom and feel safe at night. While veterans do get some benefits, those small discounts and perks are nothing compared to [...]

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Farm Cartoonist Loses His 21-Year Career Over ‘Offensive’ Cartoon

A veteran cartoonist from a newspaper publication gets fired after one single reader from a big company called his work offensive. Rick Friday, 56, lost his job as a cartoonist after the cartoon he created got him into trouble. The cartoon features two farmers, in overalls and skewed baseball caps, talking to each other at [...]

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Stop Wearing Jeans Once You Reach This Age

There are a surprising amount of activities you can’t do until you reach a certain age, like drive a car and rent a hotel room. On the flip side, you apparently can become too old to do certain things, too. That includes one rather commonplace habit: wearing jeans. The fashionistas believe it’s possible to age [...]

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