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Mom Calls Police on Her 10-Year-Old Son after Finding Out He’s Rude to His Teacher

A devoted mother who learned that her son was rude to his teacher decided to teach him a lesson in politeness that he would never forget by involving the police force. But what exactly had he done that warranted getting the cops to take him away? Every action has a reaction, and sometimes to learn [...]

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A High School Football Team Decided To Take A Knee For The Anthem, So The Refs Taught Them A Lesson

Ever since former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee to police , his has taken like wildfire. People who support his cause have joined him, kneeling during the national anthem, to raise awareness around the issue. But those who feel patriotic about the flag and who have pride in the United States military are [...]

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Family Mocked By McDonald’s Employees, Sue After Tasting Milkshakes

After calling out McDonald’s drive-thru workers for being rude to them while ordering, a couple’s young son took a sip of his milkshake, leading the couple to a horrifying discovery. The incident occurred when Jon Hansen and his partner, Jennifer Cameron, brought their four children to a McDonald’s location in Canada and tried to order [...]

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