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Hobby Lobby Is Facing A Boycott After Putting Political Display In Their Store

Hobby Lobby has often put its political and religious priorities before its profits. Not only does the store close on Sundays to honor the Christian day of rest, but it also forbids employees from accessing birth control with company health plans. But now Hobby Lobby will face a nationwide boycott after one location put up a display urging customers to …

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Business In Big Trouble After Hanging “Offensive” Sign

Juneteenth marks the day when slaves in the American South were freed, and Harry E. Reed Insurance Inc. in Millinocket, Maine decided to honor this occasion by posting a racist message on its door. The company has since received massive backlash and will likely lose many customers as a result of its offensive sign. The insurance company’s sign reads, “Juneteenth. …

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Teacher Tells Student That God Is Not Real – Little Girl Has Perfect Response

A 6 year-old girl was sitting in school one day when the teacher began to teach the class about evolution. She approached a boy student in the class, and the following dialogue ensued: TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the tree outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Go outside and look up and …

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