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Steeler’s Mike Tomlin Puts An End To Kneeling On His Field: “You’re Athlete’s Not Activists”

Mike Tomlin, head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, has issued a mandate to all of his players for the upcoming season: there will be no kneeling on the field. Tomlin’s statement came as a shock to the team, since the Steelers have been the team with the largest number of unpatriotic kneelers since the crisis began in 2017. Tomlin says …

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Five NFL Players Removed From Their Games Under League’s New “No Anthem Kneeling” Rule

The NFL’s new “no anthem kneeling” rule went into effect the first week of the season. Unfortunately, there was little anyone could do about it if they took a knee and the coach allowed it. This week, all that has changed. The league gave the power to eject players for unsportsmanlike conduct to the referee, with the penalty coming at …

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Coffee Store Worker Is Fed Up With Rude Customers – Puts Up Hilarious Sign To Teach Them A Lesson

A lot of folks can barely function before they have their morning cup of coffee. Before drinking your morning coffee, it can be difficult to be polite to those who we interact with, which is why coffee baristas often find themselves having to deal with rude customers. Now, one barista is completely fed up with this, and he’s taking action! …

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