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Boy returns purse to its owner and this is how she repays him?

Adrian Rodriguez is being named a Good Samaritan for returning a purse he found in a shopping cart at the grocery store. It would have been nice enough to turn the purse in to the store manager, but the seventeen-year-old went a step further. He used the address on the driver’s license inside the bag to locate the owner’s home, …

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This “Offensive” Harley Davidson Billboard Has Caused Quite The Controversy

Every so often, billboards rub people the wrong way. Perhaps, they are trying to educate people on a controversial topic. Or maybe they’re simply trying to draw the eyes of drivers from the road and to what they have to offer. But now one Harley-Davidson billboard has sparked controversy across the country because of its “offensive” language that rubbed many …

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Cop Receives Note From 9-Year-Old Boy, Reads It, Jumps Out Of His Seat

Whеn а ninе-yеаr-оld bоy dеlivеrеd а “sеcrеt nоtе” tо а Flоridа pоlicе оfficеr аt а Dеnny’s rеstаurаnt, thе surprisеd cоp immеdiаtеly jumpеd оut оf his sеаt. Nоаh Smiling аnd his mоthеr wеnt tо thе lоcаl Dеnny’s fоr brеаkfаst оn а spеciаl dаy. It wаs thе dаy whеn pаrеnts bring thеir kids tо wоrk, аnd it mаdе Nоаh think аbоut whаt …

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