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Customer Enters ‘Express Lane’ With Too Many Items

Did you ever get caught behind a customer in an express line at a store with too many items? A Walmart customer recently told the story of a cashier standing up to a customer who didn’t feel like following the rules. My favorite experience ever in a Walmart. I had a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and other …

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An Elderly Man Wants A Job.

An elderly man wants a job, but the foreman won’t hire him until he passes a little maths test:“Here is your first question.” The foreman says.“Without using numbers, represent the number nine?”“Without numbers?”The old man says. “That’s easy.”And he proceeds to draw three trees.“What’s this?” The boss asks.“Have you no brain? Tree plus tree plus tree makes …

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This Man Lived Alone For Nearly 30 Years In The Mountains of Alaska In a Log Cabin Which He Built With His Own Hands

Have you ever wondered what it is like to live alone in the wild, and become one with Nature?It must be highly challenging, but very relaxing at the same time, especially if we compare it to the fast-pace, stress-rich, sedentary, modern lifestyles we tend to lead these days. Have you ever wondered what it is like to …

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