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4-Yr-Old Boy Prays For Months For His Grandpa In A Coma To Return Home Until He Finally Wakes Up.

Owen, although being just four years old, had a heart of gold. He genuinely cared about the people around him and always attempted to assist whenever he could. When his beloved Opa was in a coma in 2020, the child did the only thing he thought might help. He prayed for a miracle and requested God to help a member …

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A Man Replies To A Letter From The Department Of Environmental Quality With The Perfect Note Of His Own

A man was sent a letter by the Department of Environmental Quality regarding a pond on land that he owned. The letter he sent back in response is one of the funniest things youll ever read. It has come to the attention of the Department of Environmental Quality that there has been recent unauthorized activity on the above referenced parcel …

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Teacher Tells Student That God Is Not Real Little Girl Has Perfect Response

A 6 year-old girl was sitting in school one day when the teacher began to teach the class about evolution. She approached a boy student in the class, and the following dialogue ensued: TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the tree outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside? TOMMY: Yes. TEACHER: Go outside and look up and …

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