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Female Boxer Backs Away From Fighting Transgender Boxer In Championship Qualifier

Dr. Katia Bissonnette, a female psychologist from Saguenay, Canada, recently withdrew from a provincial boxing championship in Quebec after finding out that the boxer against whom she was scheduled to box was a transgender individual named Mya Walmsley. Dr. Bissonnettee alleged that she had not been notified ahead of time that she was scheduled to box against a transgender individual. …

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Stranger Rescues Family From House Fire, Days Later There’s A Knock

After they were saved from a devastating house fire, a mother and her four children headed to their grandmother’s home to pick up the pieces of their lives. Just days after the fire, the family received an unexpected visitor. Ryan Pasborg came across a house fire as he drove to work in the early morning hours. (Photo Credit: Sweetwater Sheriff’s Department) …

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