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Student awarded $25,000 settlement for “controversial” shirt!!

Addison Barnes, a senior at Liberty High School, stirred controversy by wearing a T-shirt featuring the words “Donald J. Trump Border Wall Construction Co.” to schooI. Despite objections from the school, Barnes refused to cover up or change his shirt and was asked to leave for the day. With the support of his parents, Barnes [...]

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Why You Should Never Ever Kill A House Centipede If You Find One Inside Of Your Home

When you see a house centipede, it can be scary. They have 15 pairs of legs and can move fast, up to 1.3 feet per second. People often get scared and try to kill them with a shoe or magazine. But before you do that, know that house centipedes can actually help you and your [...]

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Skin Signals Used to Diagnose Serious Diseases

Discover how skin signals can aid in correctly diagnosing critical diseases, resulting in timely treatment and improved results. Beyond acne, severe disorders might appear through skin signs. Neglecting skin problems for the sake of looks can aggravate the situation. Numerous skin signals serve as red flags for underlying severe disorders. *Please remember that we DO [...]

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