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If you see a coin stuck in your car door handle, you’d better call the police

When you were heading toward your car, did you ever notice a coin lodged in the door handle? It’s an odd and perplexing sensation. Many have come to this conclusion after wondering if this was merely an odd accident or if it had some sort of significance. It turns out that burglars can enter cars [...]

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If you find a tick inside your home, here’s what you need to know

I like to believe that I am a loving and compassionate person toward all living things. Even though many people have a fear of spiders and snakes, I don’t get so scared of them that I actively try to stay away from them. It’s possible to argue that I have a high threshold for creepy [...]

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I Refuse to Be Treated Like a Maid Just Because I Live Rent-Free

It can be challenging to live with in-laws, particularly if you’re young, traveling with a newborn, and attempting to make ends meet in this crazy world. However, when the expectations start to pile up faster than soiled clothes, things may get much more complicated. Imagine this: just when you’re attempting to balance your new role [...]

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